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Load In Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Scales Hours


  • Swine scale: 8:00AM to 2:00 PM.
  • Beef scale: 1:00 to 6:30 PM.
  • Sheep scale: 1:00 to 7:00 PM.
  • Goat scale: 1:00 to 7:00 PM (uses the sheep scale).

As a reminder, YQCA or Quality Assurance and Completed Animal Health Record are required at weigh-in.

General Rules and Regulations

Eligibility: This sale is open only to 4-H and FFA members in good standing who have completed the Whitman County Quality Assurance Program or The Youth for the Quality Care of Animals Program (YQCA), as certified by a registered Whitman County Quality Assurance Instructor, and who submit a record of health at weigh-in time.

Sale Limitation

  1. Only 1 animal per exhibitor will go through the sale. Second animal can either be turned to packer or taken home by exhibitor. Goat, Lambs, Swine, and Beef going home must be identified at weigh in.
  2. Goat, Lambs, and Swine will be tagged by color as follows:
    • Yellow tags: sale animals.
    • Green tags: take home animals.
    • Red tags: turn animals.
  3. The grand champions and reserve grand champions of each species shall be sold through the sale ring regardless of destination.
    • In the event of an exhibitor showing two animals regardless of species, and both placing either grand champion or reserve grand champion, the exhibitor will declare which animal will be sold with proceeds going to the exhibitor and which animal will be sold under the following options:
      • The Exhibitor will receive turn price for the declared second animal and donate the proceeds above the turn price to the livestock barn of their choice. Those dollars to be held and dispersed by the Junior Market Stock Sale Committee.
      • If the Exhibitor opts out of donating the second animal, then that animal will be removed from the sale and not replaced.
  4. FFA grand champions will sell first on even-numbered years; 4-H grand champions will sell first on odd-numbered years.
  5. The reserve grand champion will be 3rd and 4th in the sale order. The sale order for classes of livestock (beef, goats, sheep, and swine) will be decided upon by the sale committee on a yearly basis.
  6. Length of ownership:
    • Exhibitors shall have owned and have possession and care for their animals no less than 60 days prior to weigh-in.
      • Beef: 120 days.
      • Goat: 60 days.
      • Lamb: 60 days.
      • Swine: 60 days.
  7. Weight limits:
    • Beef: 1000 lb. minimum and no maximum.
    • Goat: 60 lb. minimum with 120 lb. maximum.
    • Lamb: 100 lb. minimum with 160 lb. maximum.
    • Swine: 240 lb. minimum with a 300 lb. maximum.
  8. The use of antibiotics and other drugs with any meat animal must correlate with the labeled withdrawal period before the weigh-in day. Tranquilizers are prohibited (in market animals). Samples may be collected from animals for testing purposes. Any animal or carcass that shows evidence of having an injection will be retained by orders of the State or Federal meat inspector. If any detectable amounts of antibiotics or other drugs are found, the entire carcass will be condemned and the exhibitor will not receive payment for the animal. This would also apply to carcasses condemned because of disease.
  9. To participate in the Palouse Empire Fair Junior Market Stock Sale or turn an animal to the packer, exhibitors must complete the Whitman County Quality Assurance Program or YQCA Program prior to August 1st, and give their completed Producer Affidavit & Market Animal Health Record to the Superintendent at time of Fair weigh-in. Animals will not be weighed until the completed Health Record is produced. Health records are available in the WSU/Whitman County Extension Office or can be found on our website under the "Exhibitor" tab. Failure to comply with the Whitman County Quality Assurance Program or YQCA will prohibit the youth exhibitor from participating in the Palouse Empire Fair Junior Market Stock Sale or turning an animal to the packer.
  10. Animals must receive blue or red ribbons to go through the sale. No white ribbon animals will be allowed to sell. They will remain the responsibility of the owner.
  11. No animal that has been exhibited and sold through another Junior Market Stock Sale is eligible to show and sell at the Palouse Empire Fair Junior Market Stock Sale.

Livestock Health Regulations

State Department of Agriculture’s Minimum Animal Health Requirements for County, District and State Fairs
  1. Each fair must have an official Fair Veterinarian in attendance.
  2. Individual health certificates on Washington animals are not required for entry. The Fair Veterinarian shall issue a blanket health certificate covering all in-state entries to the fair.
  3. No animal from quarantined area or premise will be permitted to enter the fair or show.
  4. All out-of-state animal entries must comply with State of Washington regulations or receive an exemption from the State Veterinarian for exhibition at the fair only.
  5. All out-of-state horses must have a negative Coggins test (EIA) within six (6) months except for horses from Oregon.
  6. Fair veterinarians will inspect all classes of livestock and poultry (including horses, pet animals, rabbits, fur-bearing animals, pigeons, ducks, geese, and turkeys) before they are exhibited, to determine that the livestock and poultry show no clinical indications of contagious, infectious disease and ectoparasite.
  7. Fair veterinarians must reject any animal with infectious or contagious diseases or ectoparasite. Exhibitors should be aware that ringworm, warts, pinkeye, strangles, contagious ecthyma, scabies, lice, mites, ticks and fleas fall into these categories.
  8. Those animals exhibiting disease symptoms during the course of the fair shall also be rejected by the Fair Veterinarian and removed from the exhibit area.
  9. It is strongly recommended, but not required, that cattle be vaccinated in the current show year against the respiratory diseases.
  10. The Fair Veterinarian’s professional decision as to the health status of an animal is final and shall be upheld by the fair board.
  11. All exhibitors residing out of the state of Washington must have a Health certificate for each animal, and must comply with Washington State and Interstate Health Regulations that are in effect at the time of the Palouse Empire Fair.
  12. Intact male animals are not eligible to be shown in Market and Fitting and Showing classes. If one is entered that animal will be rejected from the fair. Intact male animals in breeding classes must follow the rules for that department. See Sheep department for exception to this policy.

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