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4-H & FFA Rules

4-H is the youth development program of Washington State University Extension and helps young people and adults put knowledge to work in all of Washington’s counties, cities and communities. 4-H teaches life skills that lead young people to become self-directing, positive, contributing members of society. These life skills include positive self-esteem, effective communication, a sense of responsibility to oneself and one’s community, sound decision making, and a strong sense of belonging. These skills give young people the tools necessary for successful adulthood. 4-H is an educational program for youth 5 to less than 19 years of age. It is conducted through volunteer 4-H leaders who are supported by WSU Extension Educators who help lead 4-H projects and activities.

The FFA Department is a national organization of teen boys and girls enrolled in Agricultural Education classes. The local unit is the Chapter in each school offering vocational education, under the supervision of the agriculture teacher who is always the local chapter advisor. The state unit includes all chapters in the state, under the supervision of the State Department of Education. The program includes the improvement of agriculture leading ultimately to the ownership of the farms and the development of good rural citizenship. Participation in fairs and livestock shows is recognized as having educational value as well as stimulation for better results and fine projects, under supervision of the qualified Chapter Advisor and with the cooperation of the Fair’s management.

Rules and Regulations

  • The Palouse Empire Fair follows policies set forth in the 4-H/FFA Memorandum of Understanding, dated: 10/2018.
  • General rules and regulations will apply to all entries in the 4-H and FFA sections.
  • The Washington State 4-H Youth Development Program Policy, EM 0758E, will apply to all entries in the 4-H section, as a minimum requirement.
  • 4-H age is recorded as the age as of October 1st of the current 4-H year. The 4-H year runs October 1st through September 30th.
  • Cloverbud 4-H members are encouraged to exhibit at the Fair in the appropriate departments, divisions or classes; however, they are not to be judged on a competitive basis. Cloverbuds are not eligible to enroll in a large animal project. Participation ribbons and/or other awards will be given to Cloverbud members. For more Cloverbud participation guidelines refer to 4-H Policy & Procedure Handbook (contact WSU Extension).
  • 4-H exhibitors shall be enrolled in all 4-H projects by June 1st of the current year.
  • Livestock that is shown in 4-H and FFA classes cannot be shown in open classes.
  • No exhibitor shall make more than two entries in any class. (See Stock Sale Rules and Regulations Section for Special Rules.)
  • All animals to be shown must be registered at the Fair Office by August 1st.
  • Youth entering livestock such as beef, horses, goats, swine, or sheep shall be able to handle and control said animal to insure safety of exhibitors, volunteers, and the general public.
  • All animals entered shall meet the animal health requirements as outlined by the Palouse Empire Fair.
  • 4-H members shall exhibit only those articles made or animals cared for during the current 4-H year (October 1st- September 30th).
  • The FFA calendar year for Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) is August 1st- July 31st.
  • 4-H members shall exhibit or compete only in projects in which they are enrolled. Exhibits shall be different enterprise than FFA, FCCLA, or school projects.
  • Animals from same farm can and will be put together due to limited number of pens.
  • All 4-H/FFA exhibitors showing animal projects shall enter a Fitting & Showing class with their animal in each division entered. Show scheduling problems shall be resolved with the Superintendent's approval. Participation in other classes is optional.
  • The Palouse Empire Fair does not charge a stall fee; the Fair will furnish bedding.
  • Exhibitors shall furnish their own feed (including hay), feed boxes, and water containers.
  • Judges will award exhibitors premium points to which they are entitled, regardless of competition, using the Danish system.
  • All premium money will be prorated to all those who take part according to the number of points each contestant earns.
  • Ribbons will be given to each placing where the judge believes a ribbon is deserving. Only blue ribbon animals will compete for Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion.
  • Additional regulations applying to specific sections will be found under that section.
  • Each livestock exhibitor is to give daily care to their animal(s) and to clean pen(s) and stall(s) before 8:00 am daily.
  • Washing of sheep will be at the discretion of the Superintendent.
  • RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER: Exhibitors shall show their own animal. Only legitimate reasons for absentee showing will be accepted. The exhibitor must request permission from the barn Superintendent if the exhibitor cannot be present to show or sell their animal.
  • Exhibitor is responsible to see that their animal is not overlooked in any phase of the show. All animals shall be properly fitted and exhibited by the owner to be eligible for the sale & premium money. Stalls, pens, and animals are to be kept clean at all times, including after the sale and through Sunday at 4:00 pm.
  • The use of illegal drugs and/or the improper use of animal health products or foreign substances shall not be tolerated in the Washington State 4-H Youth Development Program. Extension personnel, 4-H volunteers, families, youth, and fair/show officials have a legal and moral obligation not to misuse these products. We have the responsibility to tell others not to use these substances, and to report those who do use any illegal substance.
  • The administration of any drug or medication, which could affect an animal’s performance resulting in an unfair advantage or the disposition of the animal, is unacceptable. Additionally, there are federal penalties for using illegal substances in animals that are going into the nation’s food supply.

1) Any 4-H or FFA member may enter this contest with his or her own animal.

2) Classifications: 4-H (Ages are of the previous October 1st) Cloverbuds, Juniors, Intermediate, and Senior. FFA (Grades are of the current school year)

3) The contestant shall do all work in connection with Fitting and Showing.

4) The 4-H and FFA Fitting and Showing contestants will be divided into separate 4-H and FFA classes if there are sufficient entries, at the discretion of the superintendent.

5) Showing will be by specie of livestock (beef, swine, lamb, and goats). Entries need not be entered in another class.

6) 4-H and FFA members entering livestock exhibits in the 4-H and FFA Departments cannot enter them in the Open Department. No individual may show the same class of livestock in both 4-H and FFA Division Beef, Sheep, Swine, and Goat

7) Awards will be on the basis of: Presentation for showing, Showing of animal, Appearance of the exhibitor

  • An over-all Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be determined from 4-H Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes combined. An over-all Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be determined from the FFA novice and advanced classes combined. Grand Champion winners are eligible to compete in the Ernie Dippel Round Robin contest (See page 27).

THE PALOUSE EMPIRE FAIR supports the IAFE National Code of Show Ring ethics and by exhibition at this fair, all exhibitors agree to be bound by same rules and regulations.

Presentation of Champions

Sunday, 1:00 p.m., at the Gazebo

The Presentation of Champions shall consist of Champion and Reserve Champion youth winners (Open, 4-H, and FFA) in any of the livestock, horse or small animal divisions. The superintendent shall determine the number of participants per division.

A listing of Champion participants shall be submitted to the Fair Office by division superintendents no later than Saturday evening.

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